
Watch the fourth episode from Tom Clancy's The Division: Agent Origins, a live action video series based on the game. This video brought to you by The Division.
About The Division Agent Origins: Inspired by the groundbreaking video game and created in collaboration with innovative YouTube powerhouses CorridorDigital, RocketJump, and Devin Supertramp, Ubisoft proudly presents Tom Clancy’s The Division™: Agent Origins.
A devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City on Black Friday, and one by one, basic services fail. Within weeks, society collapses into chaos, and the government activates The Division, a classified unit of self-supporting agents.
Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, Division agents are trained to operate independently of command when all else fails. In Tom Clancy's The DivisionTM: Agent Origins, four newly activated agents must serve as civilization's last line of defense after a man-made virus devastates New York City.
This thrilling live action video series follows the lives of four agents of The Division as they’re activated and leap headfirst into the fight to save New York City.
Based on the video game by Ubisoft®, this action-packed film introduces the world of The Division to fans of Tom Clancy movies.
The film starts out set 18 days after the Green Poison outbreak begins, as one of the characters (Everret) starts to narrate the origins of the Green Poison, however then the character starts to (ironically correctly) guess the origins and organization of the Strategic Homeland Division, or The Division for short. After the narration of this concludes, the character narrating then proceeds to try and explain his reasoning to the other male character (John), and the female character (Mia) and pulls out a $20 bill containing the Green Poison after Mia goes to the kitchen to make everyone pizza.
After a small freakout from John over touching a potentially contaminated bag, John then proceeds to act like Everret is onto something, and pulls up a gun, which turns out to be a foam dart gun. After John shoots Everret with the dart, a car alarm is heard outside, which in response John opens the window to investigate, to which Everret closes the window to prevent the smell of the pizza being made escaping and luring looters. He also explains that this is an apocalyptic setting.
After this, John looks down at his watch, which is glowing orange, after this he looks to Everret and says "It's time", alluding to when an agent is activated by The Division. However, the watch was on a timer to let them know when the pizza Mia was making was ready.
Shortly after serving up the pizza, a looter breaks into the apartment of the characters. His gaze then shoots straight to the fake gun Everret is holding, which he perceives a real weapon (since it is painted all black). Everret tries to shout over and over its fake, but to no avail. As the looter starts to pull out his pistol, Mia grabs the serving plate of the pizza and flings it at the looter, stunning him as she jumps up at him and starts struggling with him for possession of the weapon. Whilst struggling, the weapon goes off several times, including once between Everret and John on the couch. After the weapons clip is empty and stuck in an uncocked position, the struggle continues until Mia is flung towards her backpack. The camera then cuts to the looter who then cocks the pistol and aims for John and Everret. Before he can fire, however, Mia fires off her own pistol killing the looter. After this, Mias watch lights up as she is actuvated by The Division. She then radios to other Division agents in the NYC area. She then asks for her backpack, and throws it on before leaving. John asks if she will return, only for no response to follow.