AXE Alliance X Empire Cinematic Video Trailer New Mobile Game 2017
AxE (Alliance x Empire) is a mobile MMORPG by Nexon RED (under Nexon) recently reveals a date for its official launch and it is set on 14 September 2017, developed by using Unity 5 Engine.
Alliance x Empire features a clash of two kingdoms, an open-world mobile MMORPG game with beautiful graphics and variety of systems.
The concept of AxE can be compared with The TWOM (The world of magic) mobile MMORPG by com2us which also features two kingdoms.
This action MMORPG that not only features high-quality graphics, but also a dynamic RvR combat system.
You will be able to participate in the massive fight between Alliance and Empire when your character reaches a certain level.
Similar to World of Warcraft, you need to capture as many combat zones as you can to help your side get the victory.